Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Summer Learning Journey Day 2 Activity 1 Week 1

                           Tane Mahuta Day 2 Wk 1 Activity 1

I would like to visit Tane Mahuta because he seems very interesting and he could give people powers

Summer Learning Journey Week 1 Activity 3

Ice, Ice Baby

How to stay safe online

Summer Learning Journey Week 1 Activity 2

                                   North And South 

 I live in Grey Mouth which is in the south island. To me the special thing about it is there is beautiful bush and kowhai trees, pohutakawa trees and all sorts. You can go on walks like the Brunner Mine walk, Omotumotu walk, Point Elizabeth walkway and the Kowhai Bush walk. Grey Mouth might not be that big but it sure is a place to go for walks.

Monday, 17 December 2018

Summer Learning Journey Week 1 Activity 1 In The Begining

                      The Legend Of New Zealand Facts

         1. New Zealand used to be governed as part of the territory of New South Wales and later on a part of Australia.

2.  Some of the most popular films in New Zealand include ‘Once were Warriors’, ‘The Whale Rider’, ‘The Piano’ and the ‘Lord of the Rings’ trilogy.

3. New Zealand is one of the three countries in the world that has two official national anthems of equal standing. The first one is God Save the Queen and the other is God Defend New Zealand.

Friday, 7 December 2018

My Space Animation

This term with Ms Ireland we learnt how to make stop motion animation using google slides.
To make my animation I used a few images and on each slide I moved the image slightly.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Camp Photos

My Camp Letter

We had to write thank you letters to the adults on camp. Here is my work 

20 November 2018      

Dear Suzi,

Thank you for cooking the dinner and pudding for all the children. Also thank you for helping
other groups with scavenger hunts and on the tramp. I thought it was really kind of you to make
Summer a flower necklace and to help her when she had a sore foot.
Thank you for driving some people to Arthur’s Pass and back to school.

I really liked the carpet game because I didn’t know others knew a lot about cars and during
that time I wasn’t in the middle. Also I enjoyed the bird scavenger hunt because my group had
to walk the furthest and all the clues were up quite high. The tramp was really tiring especially
when we went across all the rocks but I really enjoyed river crossing.  


Ngā mihi
Yours sincerely


Monday, 26 November 2018

My Enlargement Pattern

This term with Mrs Wylde we were learning how to enlarge shapes by scale factors of 3 and 2.
Here is my work.

3D Views

This term with Mrs Wylde we were learning how to draw 3D shapes and their different views/angles.

Here is my work.


Monday, 5 November 2018

My Dinosaur Descriptive Writing

At the moment in class we have been working on descriptive writing. We have been using pictures to give us ideas of what to write about. Here is a piece of writing I did.

Click here for a link to the original work.

Back In Time
I went into a thunderstorm with my trustworthy chopper Missy but then Missy got hit by lightning
TZZZ! Then I got electric shocked. I fell asleep and dreamt that a Tyrannosaurus Rex was chasing me and
tried to eat me whole! When I woke up I saw the most amazing things. I saw Pterodactyls flying above
my head and I saw beautiful rock mountains taller than towers.

I had realised that my journey back in time took me to the most beautiful place I had ever seen.  A long
necked dinosaurs called a Barapasaurus was poking its head through the trees. Eating the emerald
green leaves. The trees started were swaying side to side as if they were dancing. I walked around the
tall rock mountains and as I turn the corner I felt shivers through my spine. I had butterflies
and goosebumps until something came up to me RAAAAWW! A Tyrannosaurus Rex stood in
front of me with flesh hanging out of its mouth. The trees went still and birds flew away then
I realised everything was afraid and so was I.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

NZ Falcon Information Report

The New Zealand Falcon is a threatened bird. It is endemic to NZ. The māori name for the New Zealand
Falcon is Kārearea. The New Zealand Falcon is capable of flying at speeds over 100km.
Physical Features
All ages of Kārearea have dark eyes, long pointed wings and pointed tails. The adults have yellow feet,
streaked cream breast and males are one third smaller than females. When they are perched they
have an upside down teardrop shaped silhouette. Their eye ring is grey-blue. They also have a distinct
moustache and stripe running from the back.
Southern Falcons live in Fiordland which is located in the south-western corner of the South Island.
The large paler eastern Falcons live in hotter drier habitats east of the Southern Alps. Some Auckland
Kārearea are found in the Chatham Island and in bushy areas around mountains. They live in scrapes
and on cliff edges.
Feeding Behaviour
The New Zealand Falcon can catch prey bigger than itself. It eats birds like White Faced Herons,
Ducks, Kēreru and Pheasants.It attacks their prey with their claws then drags it to a plucking post.
It plucks all the feathers and dislocates the birds neck then eats the bird. Their diet are a range of
animals like insects, mammals, lizards and birds.
In summer they lay 1-4 eggs. When they incubate their eggs it is done by the female. The male usually
does the hunting and the breeding seasons are July and June. The laying months are July, February,
March, April, May and June.
Their threats are cats, possums, and humans. We/People are cutting to much trees down so most
birds have no homes were they are safe so their predators are stealing chicks, eggs and are killing
these birds.The NZ Falcon will fight for their babies even if the threat is larger. They have large territories
and are very defensive. They are fearless and are a skilled manu/ birds.

Monday, 17 September 2018

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Toondoo Comic

Clean Up
Success Criteria
We will be successful when we can:
* create a cartoon using the tools on toondoo
*Experiment with a variety of the tools to get the information we need in our cartoon
*Share our cartoon with another student for feed back

Monday, 10 September 2018

Reducing Plastic Waste

Our class has been learning about the environment this term and we decided to make material bags and beeswax wraps so we can use them instead of using plastic bags and glad wrap. Lorraine and Billie helped our whole class make our own bags.
How to make material bags
 First we got any material that we didn't want/ use, then we cut our base and 2 straps. Thirdly we sewed our base and both sides and one bottom part of our straps while the were inside out. Lastly we turned them out and sewed the straps onto our bags. After making our bags we made beeswax wraps. We all made 2 beeswax wraps each.
How to make beeswax wrap
To make the beeswax wraps we first put baking paper down on an oven tray then our fabric over top of the baking paper and put our grated beeswax on top. After the iron warmed up we put another piece of baking paper on top of the fabric. We then ironed our fabric and made sure the beeswax was spread evenly. It was hard grating the beeswax.

Friday, 7 September 2018

Where To Next Writing

Where To Next?  Connected, Level 4Image result for recycling symbols

Turning Old into New


Science/Social Science learning goals Image result for plastic pollution
We are learning to understand about the environments around us and the negative of positive
impact our actions can have on these environments.

Success criteria;

  • identify and explain some of the issues facing our environment today
  • identify some of the negative impacts humans are having on the environment
  • identify some positive actions people are taking both here and around the world to try and
  • help look after our environment.  
  • identify some positive actions we can take at school and in our own lives to help our
  • environment.
  • learn about our local bush track and creek and identify some ways in which we can help
  • to look after (kaitiakitanga) these areas.

Reading Learning Goals

-I am learning to use sub-headings to guide me to the main ideas in text.
-I am learning to use illustrations, text boxes, charts and graphs to help me make inferences so
I get more information from the text.
-I am learning to use more than one text, in print or electronic formats, to gather and check the
accuracy of information.
-I am learning to read a wide range of texts (e.g. encyclopaedias, websites, newspapers)  to
gather and check information on a topic.
-I am learning to explain why the author has written a text.
-I am learning to read and understand text that contains academic and topic-specific vocabulary.

Read the text, ‘Turning Old Into New’ and then complete the following activities.

  1. Why is recycling a good idea? Recycling is a good idea because it reduces less waste.

  1. How many tons of rubbish do New Zealanders send to landfills every year?
  2. New Zealanders send 2.5 million tons of waste to landfills.

  1. When rubbish breaks down what gas does it produce?

  2.  What environmental problem does this contribute to?When rubbish
  3. breaks down it produces Methane gas which contributes to global warming.

  1. Complete this sentence:  Everything we use is made from  Earth's   Natural Resources

  1. Explain where these resources come from;

Wood: Comes from trees and plants.

Metal: Metal comes from rocks that are mined from the ground.

Plastic: Mostly comes from oil.

6) How does oil form? Oil forms from the remains of plants and animals that
lived millions of years ago.

7) What are some of the things glass can be recycled into? Glass can be recycled
with aluminium cans to make roads. It can also be added to sports fields to drain away water.

8) What are some of the things cardboard can be recycled into? Cardboard can be
recycled into newsprint, writing paper, toilet paper and egg cartoons.

9) What can plastic with the number 1 be recycled into? Plastic with the number 1
can be recycled into soft drink bottles, pillows and sleeping bags.

10)  Attach a google drawing here that explains how number 1 plastics can be turned into

11) What are microfibres and what is the problem with them? Microfibres are tiny fibres
that comes from our clothing and when your clothing gets washed it goes into the sewers
then the ocean. It kills sea life and more rubbish in the sea.

12) What is Earth Overshoot day? Earth Overshoot Day  is a concept created by the
Global Footprint Network. It marks the date each year when people have used all the
resources the planet can regenerate in that year.

Glossary - Write what these words mean

Atoms: The smallest particle of a substance that can exist by itself or be combined with
other atoms to form a molecule.

Carded: (relating to fibres) Aligned in the same direction.

Global Warming: A gradual increase in Earth’s average temperature due to increased
levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Malt: Barley or other grain that has used for brewing beer.

Natural resources: Materials found in nature that can be used by people, such as air, water,
plants, animals, and rocks.

Synthetic: Something that is made by people and is the result of combining different chemicals.

In class we will be working on projects looking at issues around rubbish and what we can do to help reduce this problem.  

Video Links

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Reducing Plastic Waste

 InfographicImage result for recycling symbols
Where To Next?  Connected, Level 4

Science/Social Science learning goals
We are learning to understand about the environments around us and the negative of positive impact our actions can have on these environments.

Image result for plastic pollution
Success criteria;
  • identify some positive actions we can take at school and in our own lives to help our environment.


Task: Create an infographic showing people how they can reduce their waste in their lunchbox.   

Our co-constructed success criteria:
-Have a strong title/hook
-Use convincing language and images
-Have simple things people can do
-Use images (free to use)
-Use bullet points/ short sharp information
-Use correct punctuation and spelling.

Attach a link her to your infographic and make sure you share your learning on your blog.

Friday, 10 August 2018

Keeping Ourself Safe

At school we have been learning how to keep ourselves safe. Constable Jos and Terri have been helping us with this learning. Some things I have learnt is that Stranger Danger is not always true.

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Play Summary

‘Play Summary - Term 3 Weeks 1-2

For the next two weeks you are working in groups to practise and perform
a play. This is using our oral language and reading skills in literacy. Our key
competency focus is participating and contributing.

For writing your task is to summarise the main events in your play in three
paragraphs. You must plan your writing first but it is up to you how you do your
planning.  You must also write a fourth paragraph about your experience of
practising and performing your play.

Yr 6
I am learning to organise my text into paragraphs which begin with a main idea and contain
supporting information/detail.
I am learning to make links across paragraphs.
I am learning to use basic punctuation accurately.
I am learning to use dialogue punctuation accurately.

Yr 7
I am learning to use a range of different planning styles.
I am learning to plan my writing to suit the purpose of my writing.
I am learning to organise my ideas into paragraphs where the ideas are clearly related and
where there are links within and between paragraphs.
I am learning to use basic punctuation accurately in my writing.
I am learning to use complex punctuation to enhance my writing e.g. colons : and semi-colons ;
, and parentheses ().

Success Criteria
I will be successful when I can/have
-summarised the play in three paragraphs
-made links across my paragraphs
-used some basic and complex punctuation correctly (speech marks).
Once you have finished your writing highlight these success criteria green if you have met them
and can show them in your work. Highlight green in your work where you have met these
success criteria.

Maui And The Sun

Maui is a demigod and has four brothers. Together they try to tame Tamanuiterā. In the first
part of this story Maui’s brothers couldn’t do any chores and couldn’t hunt for kai
because the sun was moving too fast. They all complain to Maui how they can’t do much.
Maui then said, “ I can tame the sun”. His brothers then laughed at him.

In the second part of this story Maui says, “ I will use the jawbone of our ancestors; Muri
Ranga Whenua”. Maui's brothers then agree that they will help because his brothers knew
Maui could capture the sun. Maui then asks his family, brothers and villagers to collect
harakeke. Then Maui and his brothers weave flax; while Maui chants a karakia.

At the end of this story Maui and his brothers travel all the way to Tamanuiterā .They only
travel during the night, as they don’t want Tamanuiterā to know they are coming. When
they arrived they hid behind trees and in caves. Tamanuiterā then wakes up; Maui then
chants a karakia. His brothers throw the ropes into Tamanuiterā’s hair. Then Maui hits
him with his magical jawbone and Tamanuiterā agrees to slow down.

When we were working together to do our play some of us didn’t participate or contribute.
I think our performance was good but we need to work on teamwork and participation.
The people who did participate and contribute they said their lines at the right time and
focused. I think my group did well at the performance.