Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Summer Learning Journey Day 2 Activity 1 Week 1

                           Tane Mahuta Day 2 Wk 1 Activity 1

I would like to visit Tane Mahuta because he seems very interesting and he could give people powers


  1. Hi There Wairini!

    Here at Summer Learning Journey we encourage students to write/blog more! I would love to see more details from you. Many people who are going to be looking at your blog, may not even know who or what Tāne Mahuta is. It is important we explain each post.

    What interests you about Tāne Mahuta… what kind of powers would you like to possess?

    This is your blog, it is a place for you to explore your thoughts, feelings, ideas and values!

    Try your best and have a lovely day
    Hasiba :)

  2. Kia ora Wairini

    Great to see you have been blogging and doing your tasks for the Summer Learning Journey! Tane Mahuta is amazing. Keep up the good work and see if you can add a bit more detail.
    Ka rawe tō mahi. Mere Kirihimete kia koe me tō whanau. Have a great Christmas.


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.