Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Play Summary

‘Play Summary - Term 3 Weeks 1-2

For the next two weeks you are working in groups to practise and perform
a play. This is using our oral language and reading skills in literacy. Our key
competency focus is participating and contributing.

For writing your task is to summarise the main events in your play in three
paragraphs. You must plan your writing first but it is up to you how you do your
planning.  You must also write a fourth paragraph about your experience of
practising and performing your play.

Yr 6
I am learning to organise my text into paragraphs which begin with a main idea and contain
supporting information/detail.
I am learning to make links across paragraphs.
I am learning to use basic punctuation accurately.
I am learning to use dialogue punctuation accurately.

Yr 7
I am learning to use a range of different planning styles.
I am learning to plan my writing to suit the purpose of my writing.
I am learning to organise my ideas into paragraphs where the ideas are clearly related and
where there are links within and between paragraphs.
I am learning to use basic punctuation accurately in my writing.
I am learning to use complex punctuation to enhance my writing e.g. colons : and semi-colons ;
, and parentheses ().

Success Criteria
I will be successful when I can/have
-summarised the play in three paragraphs
-made links across my paragraphs
-used some basic and complex punctuation correctly (speech marks).
Once you have finished your writing highlight these success criteria green if you have met them
and can show them in your work. Highlight green in your work where you have met these
success criteria.

Maui And The Sun

Maui is a demigod and has four brothers. Together they try to tame Tamanuiterā. In the first
part of this story Maui’s brothers couldn’t do any chores and couldn’t hunt for kai
because the sun was moving too fast. They all complain to Maui how they can’t do much.
Maui then said, “ I can tame the sun”. His brothers then laughed at him.

In the second part of this story Maui says, “ I will use the jawbone of our ancestors; Muri
Ranga Whenua”. Maui's brothers then agree that they will help because his brothers knew
Maui could capture the sun. Maui then asks his family, brothers and villagers to collect
harakeke. Then Maui and his brothers weave flax; while Maui chants a karakia.

At the end of this story Maui and his brothers travel all the way to Tamanuiterā .They only
travel during the night, as they don’t want Tamanuiterā to know they are coming. When
they arrived they hid behind trees and in caves. Tamanuiterā then wakes up; Maui then
chants a karakia. His brothers throw the ropes into Tamanuiterā’s hair. Then Maui hits
him with his magical jawbone and Tamanuiterā agrees to slow down.

When we were working together to do our play some of us didn’t participate or contribute.
I think our performance was good but we need to work on teamwork and participation.
The people who did participate and contribute they said their lines at the right time and
focused. I think my group did well at the performance.

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