Friday, 1 June 2018

My Writing Of Best Part Of Me!

Learning Intentions
I am learning to use language features to make my writing interesting and engaging for the reader.
I am learning to think carefully about the words I use so that my writing is descriptive and engaging for the reader.
I am learning to add an appropriate visual to my work

I will be successful when I can show….
-I have used some language features to make my writing interesting and engaging (smile, metaphor, alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhyme)
-I have carefully chosen some interesting words to include in my writing
-I have some descriptive words in my writing (adjectives)
-I have added a photo to my writing

Best Part Of Me!

Waewae you’re a treat especially when you don’t smell so sweet. It’s a whetau (little) painful when you hikoi on concrete. You are the most unique looking feet even better than my rarahi (loud) beat. My matimati are joined to my waiwaiā (beautiful) feet. Thump, thump my kapa haka feet go trying to keep to the waiwaiā (beautiful) beat. The patterns on my waewae are so unique. My waewae are so important to me because I wouldn’t be able to wear my hū. They hold me up when I do yoga because my waewae are strong and sturdy. My feet are very precious to me and are definitely the best part of me!


  1. Kia ora Wairini. I enjoyed your story about your feet because you used some great Te Reo and because I enjoy rhyme. I do think, however, that you have many great features, not just your feet! Next time you may like to upload the blog carefully, it over runs the page a little. Well done, Wairini.

  2. Kia ora Wairini I really enjoyed that at first I was surprised to see that you were writing about your feet but once I got through the story I thought it was actually quite cool.


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