Thursday, 21 March 2019

My Fraction Poster

Room 1 was learning about fraction. Once we had finished learning about fractions we made poster about what we had learnt. I made a poster that  says, I learnt that 1 3rd is larger than 1 5th because on the fraction chart it shows that 1 3rd over laps 1 5th. So there for the larger the bottom number the smaller it is. 

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

My Descriptive Writing

My cat was at his darkest when he started lurking around in the precious grass.
His eyes greener than ever. His ears looking sharp as they pointed upwards.
His fur looking soft and smooth. The position he was in looked as if he was ready to
pounce right at me. He was a sloth with his slow moments. Everytime he meowed it sounded
 loud like a lion's roar. MEOW! He was a dark lord who looked like they needed more sleep.
His teeth looked sharper than ever now. His eyes focused on almost everything. His head
turning side to side. MEOW! As he moved his head it went Click. He was greedy cat wanting
to eat anything he wanted. Gurgle Gurgle! His stomach grumbled as his eyes went sharp.

Tohunga Reading Reflection

            Tohunga Reading Reflection

From reading and learning about Tohungas I now know that Tohungas were
illegal and rongoā the natural herb/plant they used was illegal as well. I also
learnt that Tohungas are like māori doctors but they use natural ingredients,
herbs and chants. Tohungas used rongoā and it is a plant that the Tohunga
used to heal many illnesses. Tohungas and rongoā used to be illegal but
aren’t anymore.

In this story there was a boy called Rāmahi who was quite sick so Mā his
mother took him to a Tohunga because all the other doctors didn’t help him
at all. In the end he didn’t get better straight away but he did start talking and
walking around when they got back.    

My Wonder Letter

Dear, Mum and Dad

I don’t want to go to school because people say my face looks like a puffer fish
that had plastic surgery but then it went wrong. It’s like I was cursed by space
aliens. Why don’t you just learn fractions then you’ll be able to teach me. I will
just get bullied and embarrassed.

I’m NEVER going to school and you can’t make me. I’d rather join Darth Vader
and be a storm trooper. Nobody would stand up for me because they are


Decimals DLO

Friday, 1 March 2019

Treaty Of Waitangi

This year we did learning about the treaty of Waitangi. I learnt about the great fleet and there were 7 wakas. The wakas names were Tainui, Te Arawa, Mataatua, Kurahaupo, Tokomaru, Aotea and Takitimu. The flag names were Union  Jack, Tinorangatiratanga, United Tribes and the New Zealand flag today.

My Mihi